Akasha is a word from the ancient Indian Sanskrit language and means "ether". The energy and essence of everything that is extant is contained in the field of the Akashic Record. Material things, things with a shape and form, as well as non-material things like our thoughts, feelings, energy. In other words, everything is contained in the field of the Akashic Record. Nothing is lost or overlooked. The field of the Akashic Record is the foundation and essence of all things. Everything that ever happened, thought felt or done is stored there. When you enter the world of the Akasha, it's like learning a new language, and that language comes from you. It has your special "sound", color, smell, etc. She is sensual, magical and fascinating. You will learn to absorb vibrations and then translate them into something that you understand and work with. We can think of the Akashic Record as a huge jar containing everything. It is the Matrix, the Network, and the Cosmic Library in which all things unfold, providing a foundation or structure that allows everything else to exist. Akasha energy exists in each of us, in everything that is alive. The Akasha is the energy of what has happened in all of our lives on Earth. You could call it an "energetic imprint." And we can retrieve it, - connect with it. About a prayer, - a request, - for information, - for your development, your way of the soul, your task - but also about information that will support you and give you the roots, the "original". Because of our connectedness, through our etheric body and the interconnectedness with all life, we are able to get into the dimensions of the Akashic Record and ask for information on any subject. The Akasha can be read like a book that contains obvious numbers and past karmic energies or that encourages you to do things differently. Also there are unfinished energies, - things that we have to dismiss, cut off or cut off to become fearless or to learn something different and new. This is all part of the stored past that is brought to light for us in the present time. But even unpleasant things, such as lack, fears, lack of self-esteem, envy, hate, jealousy etc. are included in our Akasha. They want to be looked at and healed in a loving, supportive way - in a frame of light and love protected by masters and teachers. The Akasha system is governed by energies, not by time. The system is designed to support us. The Akasha is here to help us. It is a benevolent system to move us away from the past fears and familiarize ourselves with things -with which we can consciously go into our self-empowerment, - our potentials and the way of our soul. I am your companion, your supporter, your Translator. In love and light! Mairiel